Naturopathic medicine

Margret’s areas of interest are:  hormone imbalances, migraines/headaches, skin complaints, heart burn, chronic urinary tract infection/interstitial cystitis and behavioural problems in children. 

Dr. Margret Holland, B.Sc., N.D. has extensive experience working with chronic pain. She uses a unique method combining acupuncture, massage, joint mobilizations and homeopathy to help you move more freely through life. This technique was developed by a neurosurgeon and Traditional Chinese Medical doctor out of Beijing, PRC. Dr. Holland preceptored with him for over 7 years. She has applied this technique extensively in the treatment of chronic pain in her practice with extremely reliable results. You may notice better sleep, decreased depression and more energy overall as your pain is relieved.

While specializing in chronic pain, Dr. Holland also has extensive experience working with patients to balance hormones, resolve recurrent urinary tract infections, chronic respiratory conditions and improve immune function. For more information on Dr. Holland's practice, visit her website:

Book an appointment today to see how you can improve your health, naturally.